Measuring What Matters for a Better Hawai‘i


What are Hawai‘i’s households currently struggling with?


While we may have access to some information to help us answer questions like these, we’re usually not hearing from households directly and regularly. Responding to household need effectively and efficiently requires access to timely and granular household-level data.

We believe ‘Ohana Pulse can meet this need.

‘Ohana Pulse is a rapid, soft-touch, ongoing approach to data collection by regularly pulsing Hawaii households directly using mobile text-based surveys. The data gathered can then inform those working to address Hawai‘i’s household needs, empowering them to develop a deeper understanding of the challenges facing Hawai‘i’s households, and designing more effective solutions that will better support those who need it most.

Development Timeline

‘Ohana Pulse is currently in the pilot phase of development and recruiting partners for pilot opportunities. The pilot phase will run over a two to three month period, limited to a small group of Hawai‘i households recruited by partner service providers. Upon satisfactory completion of the pilot phase, ‘Ohana Pulse will scale participation to include households in communities across the state, continuing to recruit through partner organizations and welcoming direct self-enrollment.

 Have questions?

Reach out to the ‘Ohana Pulse team at